The following is yet another batch of missing airmen. They are all on the tribute but mostly only names ranks and numbers. I never give up hope that someone out there will give me the information to give these men their rightful place on the tribute - rather than just the basic details.
KACALSKI Sgt Jozef P-784152
KACZAN Sgt Wladyslaw P-704211
KACZMAREK L/Ac Stefan P-708704
KAFEL Ac2 Zdzislaw P-706640
KALECKI Cpl Zygmunt P-784412
KALINOWSKI W/O Franciszek P-704609
KALINOWSKI W/O Franciszek P-704609
KALODZIEJ Sgt P-781200
KAMINSKI L/Ac Bronislaw P-784623
KAMYSZEK Sgt Tadeusz P-783875
KANAS F/Sgt Mieczyslaw Tadeusz P-706498
KANIA L/Ac Medard P-704732
KAPECKI Cpl Julian P-703674
KARAMUCKI L/Ac Kazimierz P-793087
KARASINSKI Ac1 Henryk P-705512
KARCZ Sgt Stefan P-704480
KARCZEWSKI F/O Leszek Jerzy P-0336
KARDAS Sgt Marian P-781093
KARNACEWICZ F/O Wladyslaw P-27
KAROL F/Sgt Witold P-706489
KARPA L/Ac Jan P-782192
KARWOT L/Ac Alfred P-781077
KASPROWICZ W/O Waclaw P-781065
KASPRZAK L/Ac Ludwik P-706636
KASPRZYK F/Lt Alfred A P-1327
KATAN F/O Karol P-2519
KAUCZ F/O Antoni P-0565
KAWA F/O Stanislaw
KAZIMIERCZAK L/Ac Zygmunt P-781034
KEGEL Sgt Leon
KEMPNY Cpl Rudolf P-704845
KEPKA F/Sgt Stanislaw P-783807
KESKA L/Ac Jozef P-794250
KESKA F/Lt Pawel P-1136
KIBORT L/Ac Tadeusz Jozef P-780839
KICINSKI Sgt Franciszek P-784754
KIELAN P/O Sylwan Jozef P-2148
KIELKUCKI L/Ac Henryk P- 792376
KIELPINSKI L/Ac Czeslaw P-780574
KIELTY Stanislaw
KIELTYKA Sgt Stanislaw P-784039
KIJOWSKI Cpl Stanislaw P-782105
KIRIJEWICZ L/Ac Mikolaj P-707739
KISZCZAK L/Ac Kazimierz P-792673
KLATT F/O Bronislaw P-0486
KLEIN L/Ac Henryk P-780576
KLEMBA L/Ac Piotr P-794408
KLIMIUK Sgt Ryszard P-780877
KLOS F/Sgt Andrzej Mieczyslaw P-782071
KLUCZYNSKI L/Ac Lucjan P-782382
KLUS Sgt Zenon P-792070
KNAPINSKI L/Ac Jan P-792380
KOBIERSKI L/Ac Wladyslaw P-784036
KOCYK W/O Boleslaw P-781329
KOCZAN L/Ac Piotr P-705469
KOLANKO F/Lt Tadeusz Franciszek P-0966
KOLANO F/O Julian P-1831
KOLINSKI Sgt Stanislaw P-704004
KOLODZIEJ Sgt Wlodzimierz
KOLODZIEJSKI F/Lt Tadeusz P-1248
KOLOSOWSKI W/O Czeslaw Tomasz P-705019
KOMLACZ F/O Jan P-0301
KOMOSA Sgt Stefan
KOMORNICKI F/Sgt Zbigniew Andrzej P-781043
KONARZEWSKI F/O Wladyslaw P-0769
KONDRAT Sgt Antoni P-794376
KONKIEL L/Ac Florian P-782099
KONSKI F/O Jan P-1832
KOPTA Sgt Kazimierz P-703004
KORNACKI L/Ac Piotr P-793995
KORZENIEWSKI Cpl Franciszek P-782204
KOSIECKI L/Ac Jerzy P-708387
KOSTECKI F/Lt Marian P-1908
KOSTUCH F/O Marian Walenty P-0027
KOSTURKIEWICZ F/Sgt Antoni P793332
KOSTYRKA W/O Zdzislaw Eugeniusz P781595
KOT L/Ac Jan P-782072
KOTOWICZ L/Ac Tadeusz P-780471
KOTOWSKI L/Ac Aleksander P-707413
KOWALCZYK L/Ac Antoni P-780272
KOWALCZYK Sgt Kazimierz Ryszard P-703027
KOWALCZYK F/O Leon Wojciech P-2660
KOWALCZYK L/Ac Stefan P-708628
KOWALECKI L/Ac Alfons P-793308
KOWALEWICZ Sgt Pawel P-703968
KOWALEWICZ Sgt Zygmunt P-783173
KOWALEWSKI L/Ac Maksymilian Alojzy P-793047
KOWALSKI F/Lt Edward P-0131
KOWALSKI L/Ac Lucjan P-792616
KOWALSKI L/Ac Stanislaw P-793102
KOWALSKI F/Lt Stefan Jakub P-0129
KOWALSKI Sgt Stefan Ludwik P-703093
KOWALSKI W/O Tadeusz P-705017
KOWALSKI F/Sgt Zbigniew P-703217
KOZIEL Sgt Eugeniusz
KOZIEN L/Ac Stanislaw P-703150
KOZIOL L/Ac Stanislaw Ignacy P-782159
KOZYRO L/Ac Zygmunt P-706403
KRAJEWSKI F/Lt Albin P-0296
KRAJEWSKI F/Lt Czeslaw P-0181
KRAJEWSKI L/Ac Kazimierz P-706396
KRAJEWSKI F/O Konstanty Jerzy P-2469
KRAMIN P/O Jan P-1604
KRAWCZYK F/O Stanislaw P-1347
KRAWIECKI Sgt Stanislaw P-781176
KREIZA L/Ac Edward Jozef P-780872
KREMPA P/O Ludwik P-1723
KRETOWICZ Sgt Lucjan P794930
KROKOWSKI Ac1 Stanislaw P-708581
KRYCZKOWSKI Cpl Wladyslaw P-794354
KRYDNER Sgt Oswald Waldemar P-782181
KRYSTECKI L/Ac Anatolius Roman
KRZECZEWSKI F/Sgt Eugeniusz Stanislaw P-781609
KRZEMPEK F/Sgt Wladyslaw P-781622
KRZEPISZ Sq/Ldr Zygmunt Edmund P-0396
KRZYWKOWSKI Cpl Stefan P-782993
KRZYWON Sgt Tadeusz
KRZYZANOWSKI Ac1 Wladyslaw P-703188
KRZYZOSIAK F/Sgt Ludwik P-784030
KSZCZOT W/O Waclaw P-705704
KUBACIK Sgt Franciszek P-793053
KUBACKI L/Ac Tadeusz P-704396
KUBAS L/Ac Jozef P-782000
KUBICKI Cpl Feliks P-704844
KUBIT F/O Jan P-2889
KUC Sgt Henryk P-792037
KUCHAREK F/Sgt Henryk Bronislaw P-706422
KUCHARSKI Sgt Stefan (or F/O M? According to some reports)
KUFLIK Sgt Pawel Naftali Hirsz P-794712
KUJANA Sgt Antoni P-780833
KULAGIN Sgt Michal P-794933
KULAGOWSKI Sgt Andrzej Eugeniusz P-792582
KULCZEWSKI Sgt Marian P-783094
KULCZYCKI L/Ac Edward Leopold P-703880
KULCZYCKI Sgt Tadeusz Pawel P-780847
KULICKI P/O Jozef P-1960
KULIG L/Ac Jozef P-707269
KUNA L/Ac Jan Jozef P-782168
KUPSC L/Ac Jerzy P-705370
KUREK F/O Janusz Augustyn Henryk P-0035
KUREK Sgt Kazimierz Marian P-792635
KURNIK Sgt Jan Boleslaw P-783201
KUSZCZYNSKI F/O Bronislaw P-0009
KUTUZOW L/Ac Jozef P-792521
KUZIAN F/O Boleslaw P-0401
KUZMINSKI Cpl Telesfor Marek P-782206
KUZNIAR L/Ac Alfred P-707343
KUZNIAR L/Ac Stanislaw P-704518
KWAK Sq/Ldr Tadeusz Jan P-0608
KWASNIEWICZ L/Ac Jozef P-704502
KWASNY L/Ac Jan Kanty P-781635
KWIATKOWSKI Sgt Stanislaw P-793733
KWIECIEN Sgt Andrzej P-782129
KWOKA Cpl Witold P-784475
You need to participate in a contest for among the finest blogs on the web. I'll advocate this web site!
Thank you forthose kind words. I'm glad you like this blog but I don't need to enter competitions; the number of people who read it is good enough for me.
Hello. I'm a grand-grandson of Wladyslaw Kobierski. What information about him do You want from my family? It would be nice if there will be here some note about my grand-grandfather.
Hello! Like all the Polish Airmen, Wladyslaw Kobierski was a hero and has earned his place on this blog. I want to write a story about him as a man - his life before the War, his war service and his life after the war - if he survived. A photograph of him would be wonderful. Please email me on and I will give you more details. Your email address does not appear here so I cannot contact you directly. I would love to write Wladyslaw's story here. Please also tell me your name.
Hello, I have just discovered this site.My father was the late Apolinary Jedrzejewski. Let me know what information you would like and I can provide the details.
Hello Ryszard. I would like to give your father his rightful place on my tribute site. I would like to portray him as an ordinary man who had to go to war then returned to a normal life. A man who did what he had to do, not what he wanted to do. So any information (cradle to grave) photographs, copy documents etc will help build up the picture of his life. Your reply has been posted on an anonymous message service so I cannot reply to you directly. Please contact me on
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