Saturday 16 June 2012


I am trying to contact the following people (or their families) who were in the crew of Wellington Bomber  HE304 and survived the crash in Ireland in July 1943.

KIELTYKA Sgt Stanislaw P-784039

He was a pilot, born on 1st January 1920 and known to have been in service on 8th July 1943 and on 17th July 1943 he baled out of Wellington Mk X HE304 which crashed near Ballickmoyler, Co Laois in the Irish Republic. He attacked a U–Boat on 12th February 1944. He survived the war and died in ARGENTINA on 26th July 2002.

DUSZCZAK Sgt Remigiusz P-794723

He was born on 9th September 1913 and was a radio operator/air gunner and known to be in service on 8th July 1943 and on 17th July 1943 he safely baled out of a Wellington Mk X HE304 which crashed near Ballickmoyler, Co Laois in the Irish Republic. He was later commissioned as an officer and his service number changed to P-2897. He is thought to have emigrated to BRAZIL in 1946.

PASIEKA Sgt Karol Stefan P-783096

He was born on 29th December 1919 and was a pilot, known to be in service 8th July 1943. He is known to have survived the crash of HE304 near Ballickmoyler, Co Laois, Irish Republic. It is thought that he was living in SOUTH AFRICA in 1956.

SALEWICZ P/O Stanislaw P-794661

He was born on 2nd April 1909 and was known to be in service on 8th July 1943 as a navigator and on 17th July 1943 he survived the crash of HE304 in Ballickmoyler, Co Laois, Irish Republic. Using the new Leigh Light, he attacked and damaged a U–Boat on January 2nd 1944. In every case his service number is the same but more than one record gives his forenames as Mieczyslaw Franciszek. He survived the war and died in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, ENGLAND on 11th May 1997.

KACZAN Sgt Wladyslaw P-704211

He was an air gunner, born on 3rd July 1923 and known to be in service on 8th July 1943 and on 17th July 1943 he safely baled out of HE304 which crashed near Ballickmoyler, County Laois, Irish Republic. He survived the war and was known to be living in Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne, ENGLAND in 1981.  Recent research suggests he was still living there in 2010

If anyone can help with any information or photographs, please contact me on or, if you know the families, please ask them to contact me.

Tuesday 12 June 2012


This is the penultimate group of airmen on whom I need information and photographs to give them a proper entry on this tribute site.  If you can help me, please send me an email on one of the addresses given in the CONTACT box at the top of the page. 

WATOR Sgt Jozef P-793911

WATOR Sgt Wladyslaw P-781532
WDOWIK L/Ac Stanislaw P-782524
WEBER F/Lt Wilhelm Franciszek Adam P-2283
WEDRYCHOWSKI L/Ac Czeslaw P-794295
WEISS Sgt Adam P-780096
WEJNER L/Ac Octawian P-708929
WENDTK Ac1 Augustyn P-708598
WERAKSO W/Cdr Jozef P-0972
WERBOWSKI F/Lt Kazimierz Franciszek P-0288
WERESZ Cpl Mieczyslaw Marian P-784344
WERSCHNER F/Sgt Marian Kazimierz P-781759
WESOLOWSKI Sgt Wladyslaw P-703326
WICZLING L/Ac Franciszek Alfons P-793711
WIDANKA F/Lt Stefan P-0553
WIDAWSKI F/Lt Adam P-2430
WIDMUNT L/Ac Tadeusz P-707089
WIECKOWSKI Sgt Stanislaw P-704244
WIECKOWSKI Sgt Stefan P-792063
WIECZOREK F/O Cezary P-0040
WIERZBICKI L/Ac Edward P-707939
WIERZCHNIEWSKI Cpl Franciszek P-703314
WIGDORCZYK Cpl Hirsz P-703979
WIJASZKO Cpl Tadeusz P-792149
WILCZYK L/Ac Jan P-704577
WINKIEL Sgt Leon Jan P-792294 (Name may be spelled WINKEL)
WISNIEWSKI Sgt Stanislaw
WITKOWSKI F/O Edward Piotr
WITKOWSKI Ac2 Edwin Franciszek P-704969
WITKOWSKI F/Sgt Jerzy Franciszek P-781655
WITKOWSKI Sgt Zygmunt P-780144
WITOWSKI Sgt Edmund P-781947
WLODARCZYK Cpl Jan Stanislaw P-793960
WLODARCZYK F/Lt Waclaw P-1633
WLODARCZYK F/Lt Wladyslaw Dominik P-1420
WLOSZEK Cpl Henryk P-782179
WODZIANSKI Cpl Jozef Juliusz P-780098
WODZINSKI P/O Mieczyslaw Sebastian P-1667
WOJAS Sgt Jan P-781144
WOJCIK F/Lt Stanislaw Marian P-0043
WOJDA Sq/Ldr Julian Stanislaw P-0017
WOJNILOWICZ F/Sgt Jan P-794500
WOJSA Sgt Stanislaw
WOJSA Ac2 Stanislaw P-792401
WOJTKOW-WATSON Cpl Jerzy P-793298
WOJTOWICZ Sgt Stanislaw Rudolf P784066
WOLAGIEWICZ Sgt Mieczyslaw P-781175
WOLNIK F/Lt Jozef P-1145
WOLOSEWICZ F/Sgt Jozef P-780212
WOLSKI W/O Kazimierz P-782621
WOZIGNOJ Sgt Franciszek P-782100
WOZIGNOJ L/Ac Stanislaw P-781441
WOZNIAK Sgt Lucjan Jan Stanislaw P-780835
WOZNIAK F/Lt Stanislaw P-2114
WOZNIAL Sgt Boleslaw
WOZNICZKA Ac2 Tadeusz Zbigniew P-706560
WROBLEWSKI W/O Alojzy Kazimierz P-703945
WROBLEWSKI Cpl Marian Jan P-780656
WROBLEWSKI F/Lt Roman Witold Jerzy P-2481
WROBLEWSKI F/Sgt Stefan P-706566
WROBLEWSKI Sgt Tadeusz P-704339
WROBLEWSKI Wladyslaw Jan P-1583
WRONA L/Ac Edward P-782160
WRZASZCZ Cpl Franciszek P-782970
WYGLADALA Sgt Mieczyslaw P-703702
WYSOCKI Cpl Tadeusz Stefan P-794525


Here is another batch of Polish Airmen for inclusion in the tribute site. Some of them have a lot of military information but nothing personal about their lives before or after the war. As previously stated, I want to show them as human beings and not just fighting men. They have all earned a place in this site, but name, rank, number and date of birth is a poor tribute. If you can help with information and/or photographs, copy documents etc., please contact me on the following email address: Please DO NOT leave a message in the comments section as these are posted anonymously and I cannot reply by email. Any reply can only be posted as a comment by me and relies on you seeing it and replying to me by email. If you must leave a message in the comments section please also include your name and email address, which I will edit out before posting.

TALACH Sgt Nikita    P-781912
TALADY L/Ac Ryszard Antoni    P-705172
TALAJ L/Ac Marian    P-707355
TAMULEWICZ F/Sgt Albin Mieczyslaw    P-703942
TARAS Sgt Wladyslaw
TARASIEWICZ L/Ac Mikolaj    P-705313
TARGOWSKI Sgt Franciszek Jan    P-793828
TARGOWSKI P/O Stanislaw Marian    P-1073
TEICHER Sgt Ludwik    P-794143
TETTAMANDI P/O Konrad Witold Antoni    P-1887
TEUBERT W/O Witold Henryk    P-794380
TEYCHMANN F/O Norbert Edward    P-2006
TOBA Sgt Jozef    P-782184
TOFIN Sgt Stanislaw    P782062
TOMASZEWSKI F/Lt Jan Jerzy    P-0221
TOMASZEWSKI Sgt Janusz    P-783678
TOPOLEWSKI L/Ac Jozef    P-792550
TOSIO F/Lt Zbigniew Jaroslaw    P-0826
TREMBECKI Sgt Tadeusz    P-707352
TRUSZKOWSKI Sgt Jerzy Jozef    P-792959
TRZEBSKI P/O Janusz Antoni Jozef    P-780401
TUREK L/Ac Jozef    P-703312
TUSIEWICZ F/Sgt jerzy Maciej
TUSIEWICZ Ac1 Witold    P-706931
TYCHOLIS Sgt Antoni    P794730
TYDMAN F/Sgt Ryszard Jan    P-2679
ULICKI Sgt Antoni    P-783141
URBANEK F/Sgt Henryk    P-793901
WACHOWIACZ L/Ac Alojzy    P-780926
WACLAWSKI Sgt Stanislaw    P-781833
WADOLOWSKI L/Ac Mieczyslaw    P-782576
WALAS Sgt Zygmunt    P-781625
WALCZAK Cpl Antoni    P-784787
WALCZYNSKI Sgt Karol P-781776
WALESKA L/Ac Stefan Mieczyslaw    P-781982
WALKIEWICZ F/Sgt Wiktor    P-794206
WALTERA F/O Waclaw Alfred    P-0679
WALUDA L/Ac Marian    P-780715
WALUKIEWICZ Sgt Emil Feliks    P781315
WANCISIEWICZ F/Sgt Jan    P-782234
WARCZYK Cpl Jozef    P-793243
WAROCZEWSKI F/O Jan Stanislaw    P0016
WASILEWSKI F/O Leszek Teofil    P-0795
WASILONEK F/Sgt Piotr Jan    P-705047