Tuesday 28 June 2016


Following the Brexit campaign and the subsequent victory, I have received a lot of abuse and insults.  The whole point of this blog is that it was non-political and in support of the Polish Airmen.  I wanted to keep their memories alive and to honour their bravery.
I am now being subjected to insults and abuse - even from people of Polish descent whom I have helped in the past.  It seems pointless to go on with this project if the people I had hoped to help are my biggest critics and want nothing more than to heap abuse on me.
I have not yet made a final decision but I cannot see any sensible reason to keep on committing my time and resources to help people who will then turn on me because my country has chosen to go it alone and come out of Europe.

Thursday 23 June 2016


Information received from Poland suggests that this IS RAF Benbecula and the following photographs show some pretty strong evidence of that fact.  It is also said to have happened in summer 1944 although it is not mentioned in the ORB.