Wednesday, 4 November 2015


It has now been formally decided that the 304 Squadron "winged bomb" badge will be accepted as the core of the new badge of 304 Squadron ATC at Hastings.  I have received this message from Tom Turley:
"It is with great pride that I can announce that 304 Sqn (Hastings) ATC will be changing its badge to honour the men who served in 304 (Polish) Sqn RAF .
We will hopefully have a Parade to formally change badges sometime soon or in early 2016 ,

We will be laying a cross at the upcoming Remembrance Parade at Hastings to Honour the Polish Airmen who served in 304 Sqn and we will also plan to lay a Wreath with the 304 Winged Bomb Badge sometime later this year .

I am very pleased to say that the cadets and staff are very proud about becoming Guardians of the Memory and Badge of the Original 304 Sqn "
He has also pointed out that the Winged Bomb badge is also being honoured in Poland, by the 44th Polish Naval Aviation Base in Siemirowice flying M28B Bryzas that could be a descendant of 304 Squadron.  One of their aircraft was spotted at Yeovilton air display this year sporting the 304 Squadron Flying bomb badge on its nose.  The badge can be seen just to the left of the words Bryza - 1R on the aircraft's nose

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