
Saturday 20 March 2010


He is known to have been in service  on 5th January 1942.  He was awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari Silver Cross, 5th class.  On 31st May 1942 he was on board Wellington DV781 which lost both engines and was forced to ditch in the sea; the whole crewmade it to the dinghy and after an air/sea rescue search, were picked up six hours later by the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Boadicea and landed in Greenock, Scotland the next day.  On 10th August 1942 General Sikorski awarded him the Badge of Honour for Wounds in Battle.  He transferred to 138 Squadron, flying covert missions for the SOE and was killed, aged 27, on 13th July 1943 on Operation Roach 94 when his Halifax JD155 crashed near the Chateau d’Lillebec, St Paul-sur-Risle, France.  He is buried in Grainville-Langannerie Polish Cemetery, having been moved there from the cemetery at Pont Audemer after the war.

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