
Thursday 4 February 2010


He was a pilot, born on 14th March 1919 and survived the accidental crash of R1268 on 14th December 1940 at West Edmondsley, Co Durham although he suffered quite extensive injuries when this Wellington Mk1c ploughed into trees on a hillside after successfully avoiding a farmhouse.  At some point, he transferred to 300 Squadron and was serving at RAF Hemswell in 1941/42 as part of the crew of the “Assam Bomber I” BH-T (?), a Wellington that was bought by subscription by the people of Assam in North East India.  He is also known to have been in the crew of BH-W.  He is recorded in 300 Squadron ORB as being posted to 18 OTU on 27th March 1942, possibly on completion of his tour of duty or on temporary assignment. He was a recipient of the Order of Virtuti Militari on 7th September 1942 and is known to have survived the war and emigrated to Canada, probably in 1948.


  1. Stanislaw is my father who still lives in Montreal with his wife Maria Regina (Polish RAF) nee Malinowska.

  2. Stanislaw is my father who lives in Montreal, Canada with his wife Maria Regina (nee Malinowska) who also served in the Polish RAF

  3. This is his son again - I am reluctant to advertise my e-mail address to the world but I can be found in Ottawa, Canada and Stanislaw and Regina live in Montreal. They and I are listed in the telephone book.
