
Thursday 4 February 2010


He was a radio operator/air gunner; he was born on 4th July 1902 and was  promoted to Flight Sergeant on 12th February 1942.  He survived the crash landing of R1697 at RAF Lindholme on 24th April 1942.  The aircraft jettisoned its bombs from 16,500 feet over Flensburg, Germany, following a surprise attack by a Messerschmidt Me110 fighter.  The aircraft was damaged and the pilot (Squadron Leader Czetowicz) and rear gunner (P/O Apanasik) were struck by bullets but all survived.  He was still in service on 8th July 1943.  Prior to all this, he received the Cross of Valour from Air Vice Marshal Ujejski on 28th June 1941 for bravery in action.  He received this decoration four times and was also awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari and the British DFM during his fifty operational missions with the Squadron.

He survived the war and died on 9th July 1980 in Croydon, SurreY

Photo courtesy of Aircrew Remembrance Society

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